Author’s Original Version

The author’s original version is defined here as the un-refereed author version of an article that is considered by the author to be of sufficient quality to be submitted for formal peer review by a second party. The author accepts full responsibility for the article, which may have a version number or date stamp and the content and layout is set out by the author.

Prior to acceptance for publication in the journal, authors retain the right to make their original version of the article available on their own personal website and/or that of their employer and/or in free public servers of original version articles in their subject area, provided that, upon acceptance, they acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication as follows:

This article has been accepted for publication in [Journal Title] Published by the Institute of Higher Medical Sciences.

Once an article is accepted for publication, an author may not make the version of record available in this way or replace their original version with the accepted manuscript or version of record.


Accepted Manuscript

The accepted manuscript is defined here as the final draft author manuscript, as accepted for publication by a journal, including modifications based on referees’ suggestions, before it has undergone copyediting and proof correction.

Authors may upload their accepted manuscript PDF to an institutional and/or centrally organized repository, provided that public availability is delayed until 12 months after first online publication in the journal.

When uploading an accepted manuscript to a repository, authors should include the following acknowledgment as well as a link to the version of record. This will guarantee that the version of record is readily available to those accessing the article from public repositories, and means that the article is more likely to be cited correctly.

This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in [insert journal title] following peer review. The version of record [insert complete citation information here] is available online at: xxxxxxx [insert URL that the author will receive upon publication here].